+251 911411999


  "Strive to improve the well-being of the rural poor underserved marginalized communities."

  Rift-valley Initiative for Rural Advancement (RIRA) a non for profit, non- political, non-religious, and    Ethiopian residence charity organization was ideally established in 2009 and legally registered under Charity and Societies Act 621 of 2009 with certificate number 1427.

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Our Partners Networking and Association


Protestant Agency Daikonae Development Sevices (PADDS)  Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA) ; World Association of Christian Communication (WACC); Bread for The World (BftW); Fredric Ebbirt Stiftung (FES);  Consortium of Christian Development Association (CCRDA); Istanbul International Brotherhoods and Solidarity (IBS); Turkish International Development Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA);  Civil Society support Program;
US Small Embasy project

Networking and Association

RIRA is a potential member of Poverty Net Action Ethiopia (PANE), Consortium of Christian Development Association (CCRDA) Oromia Pastoralist Development Association; and Oromia NGOs Forum.